3. View all assets that are listed for sale

For this query, we want to list all assets that are listed for sale at an address. In other words, list all the assets locked in a specific smart contract address eg. addr1x8rjw3pawl0kelu4mj3c8x20fsczf5pl744s9mxz9v8n7efvjel5h55fgjcxgchp830r7h2l5msrlpt8262r3nvr8ekstg4qrx

The query returns the following details:

  • asset name
  • policy ID
  • quantity
		ma.policy AS policy,
		ma.name AS name,
		sum(mto.quantity) AS quantity
      	        ma_tx_out mto
	JOIN multi_asset ma 
		ON ma.id = mto.ident 
	JOIN tx_out 
		ON mto.tx_out_id = tx_out.id
	LEFT JOIN tx_in ti 
		ON ti.tx_out_id = tx_out.tx_id AND ti.tx_out_index = tx_out."index"
   	        tx_out.address = 'addr1x8rjw3pawl0kelu4mj3c8x20fsczf5pl744s9mxz9v8n7efvjel5h55fgjcxgchp830r7h2l5msrlpt8262r3nvr8ekstg4qrx'
	   AND ti.tx_out_id is null
	GROUP BY ma.policy, ma.name
	ORDER BY quantity DESC

Expected results format

policy	 					 							 |  name        |  quantity          
64c11b97a1bc395f5cd3a6f2f594292510ae483af77151d1d6136edc | SNEKWRANGLER | 4,500,000,000  
52225d8259c95ec7d1727c8a591398846718eaa8fae533a1b8d2b9d6 | 	EL			| 1,000,000,000
1da3b63de574c7a103de734d8b1215b5ff5e3863d9fdecff8e09810c | 	FAM			| 439,678,272
ad5281e310da442d8d00ef3f7809cd0a1c035cf5039c0d90f236b7bc | 	FAM			| 439,000,000
daf494081cbb6872c6303d04697e5d10d4db8a69e4229beda69dd0af | CRAZYMARY	| 250,000,000
(Note: results trimmed for readability)             

🔎 Let's zoom in to understand at each part of the query.

FROM ma_tx_out mto looking at the ma_tx_out (opens in a new tab) table, which tracks the association between multi-assets and transaction outputs.

JOIN multi_asset ma ON ma.id = mto.ident joins the ma_tx_out (opens in a new tab) table with the multi_asset (opens in a new tab) table to get details about the assets themselves, such as their policy id and name.

JOIN tx_out ON mto.tx_out_id = tx_out.id joins with the tx_out (opens in a new tab) table to get information about the transaction outputs where these assets reside, including the address that owns them.

LEFT JOIN tx_in ti ON ...: attempts a left join with the tx_in (opens in a new tab) table to identify any transaction inputs that might have spent these transaction outputs.

WHERE tx_out.address = '...' AND ti.tx_out_id IS NULL filters the results to only include assets held by the specified address.

The condition ti.tx_out_id IS NULL ensures that we only consider transaction outputs that haven't been spent yet.

GROUP BY ma.policy, ma.name groups the results by the policy id and name of the assets, effectively aggregating multiple entries for the same asset (if they exist in different transaction outputs).

The SELECT ma.policy AS policy, ma.name AS name, sum(mto.quantity) AS quantity retrieves the following For each group (i.e., each unique asset):

  • The policy ID.
  • The asset name.
  • The total quantity of that asset held by the Address

ORDER BY quantity DESC sorts the results in descending order based on the quantity of each asset held.