Find Active Governance Proposals

11. Find Active Governance Proposals

To better understand ongoing governance activities in the Cardano ecosystem and gauge community support for each proposal, let's fetch a list of active governance proposals along with relevant details, such as:

Note: Again, we will use the Sanchonet network for this query.

SELECT 	gap.tx_hash AS tx_id,
		gap.idx AS "index",
		gap.deposit AS deposit,
		gap.return_address AS returned_address,
		gap.anchor_url AS anchor_url,
		gap.anchor_hash AS anchor_hash,
		gap."type" AS "type",
		gap.details AS details,
		gap.epoch AS epoch,
		gap.slot AS slot,
		gap.block AS block,
		gap.update_datetime AS time_stamp,
		(CASE WHEN voting.yes_vote IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE voting.yes_vote END) AS yes_vote,
		(CASE WHEN voting.no_vote IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE voting.no_vote END) AS no_vote,
		(CASE WHEN voting.abstain_vote IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE voting.abstain_vote END) AS abstain_vote
			FROM gov_action_proposal gap
			LEFT JOIN (SELECT 	listVote.gov_action_tx_hash AS gov_action_tx_hash,
						listVote.gov_action_index AS gov_action_index,
						sum(CASE WHEN = 'YES' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS yes_vote,
						sum(CASE WHEN = 'NO' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS no_vote,
						sum(CASE WHEN = 'ABSTAIN' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS abstain_vote
				FROM (	SELECT voter_hash, gov_action_tx_hash, gov_action_index, vote, 
						ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY voter_hash, gov_action_tx_hash, gov_action_index ORDER BY slot DESC) AS rank_slot
				FROM voting_procedure vp 
						) AS listVote
				WHERE rank_slot = 1			
			        GROUP BY listVote.gov_action_tx_hash, listVote.gov_action_index
				) AS voting ON voting.gov_action_tx_hash = gap.tx_hash AND voting.gov_action_index = gap.idx
				COALESCE(gap.epoch, 0) 
				(SELECT COALESCE(ep.gov_action_lifetime, 0) FROM epoch_param ep
					ORDER BY ep.epoch_no DESC LIMIT 1)
				(SELECT COALESCE(ep.epoch_no, 0) FROM epoch_param ep
				    ORDER BY ep.epoch_no DESC LIMIT 1)

Expected results format

tx_id      | index| deposit        | returned_address     | anchor_url                                | anchor_hash | type                   | details                | epoch | slot       | block     | time_stamp      | yes_vote | no_vote | abstain_vote
b71b...e3a | 0    | 100,000,000,000| stake_test1up...2r5a | | 6dd6...755  | INFO_ACTION            | {"type": "INFO_ACTION"}| 406   | 35,115,090 | 1,754,277 |2024-08-07 10:07 |     0    |    0    |       0
(Note: full results trimmed for readability)

🔎 Here's a breakdown of what the query does:

Proposal Information Retrieval

The primary focus of the query is to fetch data from the gov_action_proposal (opens in a new tab) table (alias gap). This returns details like:

  • tx_hash ...the unique transaction identifier associated with the proposal.
  • idx index within the transaction.
  • deposit, return_address, anchor_url, anchor_hash ...proposal-specific metadata.
  • type, details...the nature of the proposal and additional descriptive text.
  • epoch, slot, block...information about when the proposal was made.
  • update_datetime ...the last time this record was modified in the database.

Voting Data Aggregation

The subquery aliased as voting calculates the yes_vote, no_vote, and abstain_vote counts for each proposal. It does this by checking the voting_procedure (opens in a new tab) table, filtering for the latest vote from each voter on each proposal (using ROW_NUMBER() and rank_slot = 1). It then groups the results by gov_action_tx_hash and gov_action_index to get totals per proposal.

Joining Proposal and Voting Data

A LEFT JOIN combines the proposal information with the calculated vote counts. This ensures that even proposals without any votes are included in the output, with their vote counts shown as 0.

Filtering Active Proposals

The WHERE clause filters the results to only include proposals that are still considered "active" based on: