Find the ADA balance of a wallet

1. Find the ADA balance of a wallet

Let's start with something simple but essential: viewing your portfolio. Specifically, we'll look at how to display the total balance of ADA holdings associated with a wallet address.


Before we dive in, ensure that you have installed and configured Ledger Sync on your chosen network. Allow it to fully synchronize, and once the database is synced, you can start performing SQL queries using your preferred tool.

The following networks are available:

For most of our examples, we will query the same preprod address, which takes the following format: addr_test1qr70pedl22tnzswcfm39nqvsfan9jgtym2k0lgrftga8j67jel8q0vyag8770e8pu3rf6he70dtrexrsg6waj09cae0svmt57t

    (coalesce(sum1.value,0) - coalesce(sum2.value,0)) as result
        SUM(to1.value) as value
    FROM tx_out to1
        to1.address = 'addr_test1qr70pedl22tnzswcfm39nqvsfan9jgtym2k0lgrftga8j67jel8q0vyag8770e8pu3rf6he70dtrexrsg6waj09cae0svmt57t'
    ) as sum1,
        SUM(to2.value) as value
    FROM tx_in ti
    JOIN tx_out to2 ON
        ti.tx_out_id = to2.tx_id
        AND ti.tx_out_index = to2."index"
        to2.address = 'addr_test1qr70pedl22tnzswcfm39nqvsfan9jgtym2k0lgrftga8j67jel8q0vyag8770e8pu3rf6he70dtrexrsg6waj09cae0svmt57t'
    ) as sum2;

Expected results format


There are few ways to obtain this information. In this SQL query, we calculate the balance of a specific address by subtracting the the total funds spent from the total funds received. In UTXO terms, we are subtracting the total value of spent outputs from the total value of received outputs.


Note: Cardano (like Bitcoin) leverages the Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) model to keep track of user state/balances. This is different to the account-based model employed by Ethereum. Cardano implements an innovative Extended Unspent Transaction Output (EUTxO) model. If you are new to Cardano, or need a recap, the EUTxO crash course (opens in a new tab) from the Aiken team is essential reading.

🔎 Here's a breakdown of what the query does:

Calculate the Balance between the following two sub-queries:

SELECT (COALESCE(sum1.value, 0) - COALESCE(sum2.value, 0)) as result 
FROM (subquery1) AS sum1, (subquery2) AS sum2

The main clause calculates the difference between the total received value sum1.value and the total spent value sum2.value. The COALESCE function is used to ensure that if either sum1.value or sum2.value is NULL, it is treated as '0'. The result is aliased as result. The FROM clause contains two nested subqueries, which are outlined next.

Calculate Total Received Value:

SELECT SUM(to1.value) as value
FROM tx_out to1
WHERE to1.address = 'addr_test1qr70pedl22tnzswcfm39nqvsfan9jgtym2k0lgrftga8j67jel8q0vyag8770e8pu3rf6he70dtrexrsg6waj09cae0svmt57t'

This first subquery sum1 calculates the total value of all outputs sent (in lovelace) to the specified address addr_test1qr70pedl22tnzswcfm39nqvsfan9jgtym2k0lgrftga8j67jel8q0vyag8770e8pu3rf6he70dtrexrsg6waj09cae0svmt57t. The FROM tx_out to1 clause specifies the tx_out (opens in a new tab) table as the source and gives it the alias to1 for easier reference. The WHERE to1.address clause filters the results to only include transactions for our address.

Calculate Total Spent Value:

SELECT SUM(to2.value) as value
FROM tx_in ti
JOIN tx_out to2 ON
    ti.tx_out_id = to2.tx_id
    AND ti.tx_out_index = to2."index"
WHERE to2.address = 'addr_test1qr70pedl22tnzswcfm39nqvsfan9jgtym2k0lgrftga8j67jel8q0vyag8770e8pu3rf6he70dtrexrsg6waj09cae0svmt57t'

This second subquery sum2 calculates the total value of all outputs (in lovelace) from the specified address that have been spent. It does this by joining the tx_in (opens in a new tab) (alias ti) and tx_out (opens in a new tab) (alias to2) tables to find the corresponding spent outputs. The JOIN condition ensures we only count outputs that were used as inputs in other transactions (i.e., spent funds). WHERE to2.address filters the results to only include transactions for our address and the result is also aliased as value.


This query effectively provides the current balance of the specified address by querying the database for:

  • The total lovelace this has address received (sum1)
  • The total lovelace this address sent (sum2)
  • The difference between the two (result)

Another way to check the balance is by summing up all the UTXOs (opens in a new tab) associated with the wallet address.