View Collections

1. View Collections

NFT stands for non-fungible token. It is intended to be a unique token as in one and only one ever will be minted and no other token is then comparably equivalent to it. For this first query, we aim to find mint transactions with the label 721 in the metadata of the token. The 721 tag refers to the original standard for NFTs on Cardano as defined in CIP-25 (opens in a new tab).

Our query will return NFTs (label 721) collections in Cardano with their respective:

  • asset collection name,
  • policy ID
  • total supply
  • creation date

Remember you can also query the blockchain for this data using an explorer such as cexplorer (opens in a new tab)

	ma."policy" AS policy_id,
	min(ma.time) AS creation_time,
	sum(mtm.quantity)  AS total_supply
   	multi_asset ma
    	ma_tx_mint mtm ON = mtm.ident
	(SELECT tm.tx_id AS txid FROM tx_metadata tm 
		WHERE tm."key" = 721
		) AS tm ON tm.txid = mtm.tx_id
GROUP BY ma."policy"

Expected results format

policy_id                                                | creation_time             | total_supply		
00000002df633853f6a47465c9496721d2d5b1291b8398016c0e87ae | 2021-03-01 21:47:37.000   | 1
0000002c60240315c2371636214cf686e08a391742bff8f8b8ed56be | 2023-06-22 00:28:48.000   | 2
000000adf8fcbdf03a5c154123aff674edf287fb13532a343b617fb2 | 2021-06-25 01:20:11.000   | 1
000006126365b110b339bd39c5b5c0fc89eb146cc186ba8c90a3c9ca | 2021-07-22 00:00:26.000   | 48
000020225c7dbf1e33be4961727348c002f0ffaf115e538f54201986 | 2022-04-04 21:22:31.000   | 21
        ....                                             |  ....                     | ....
(Note: results trimmed for readability) 

🔎 Let's take a closer look at each part of the query.

We are looking (SELECT'ing) from the following tables:

multi_asset (opens in a new tab) (ma): This table stores information about all the different tokens or assets on Cardano. Each asset is uniquely identified by a combination of policy (the policy ID under which the asset was minted) and id (a unique identifier within that policy).

ma_tx_mint (opens in a new tab) (mtm): This table tracks the minting (creation) transactions of assets. It links to the multi_asset (opens in a new tab) table using ident, and also stores information about the quantity minted in each transaction.

tx_metadata (opens in a new tab) (tm): This table holds additional metadata associated with transactions, and for this query, we are filtering on metadata with the key '721'.

LEFT JOIN ma_tx_mint ON ... joins the asset information (multi_asset (opens in a new tab)) with its minting transactions (ma_tx_mint (opens in a new tab)). The LEFT JOIN ensures that even assets that have not been minted are included in the result, but their total_supply will be NULL.

LEFT JOIN (SELECT ... FROM tx_metadata) AS tm ON ... is a subquery that filters tx_metadata to only include rows where the metadata key is 721. The result of this subquery is then joined with the previous result, effectively filtering out assets that are not associated with transactions containing this specific metadata.

GROUP BY ma."policy" groups the results by the policy (policy ID), meaning it will calculate the total_supply and find the earliest creation_time for each unique policy.

The SELECT ... clause selects the policy_id, the earliest creation_time for that policy, and the total_supply (sum of quantities minted across all transactions for that policy).

LIMIT 200 limits the output to the first 200 policies.