Query Active Stake Pools

7. Query Active Stake Pools

Staking (opens in a new tab) is a big part of the Cardano ecosystem. To get started, the first step is to identify the active stake pools. Our next SQL query retrieves information about active Cardano staking pools, retrievign the pool's ID, name and creation date.


Cardanoscan (opens in a new tab) shows active stake pools by default. There is a toggle button to 'Show Inactive Pools' 🔎

select ph.id ,
		COALESCE(po.pool_name, ph."view") as pool_name,
		po.ticker_name as pool_ticker,
		b."time" AS creation_date,
		pool_hash ph
	LEFT JOIN pool_offline_data po on
		ph.id = po.pool_id
		and (po.id is null
			or po.id = (SELECT max(po2.id)
						FROM pool_offline_data po2
						WHERE po2.pool_id = ph.id))
	LEFT JOIN pool_update pu on
		ph.id = pu.hash_id
		and pu.id = (SELECT	min(pu2.id)
						FROM pool_update pu2
						WHERE pu2.hash_id = ph.id)
	LEFT JOIN tx ON tx.id = pu.registered_tx_id 
	LEFT JOIN block b ON tx.block_id = b.id 
	WHERE ph.id NOT IN (SELECT pr.hash_id
				        FROM pool_retire pr
				        LEFT JOIN pool_update pu on	pr.hash_id = pu.hash_id
				        LEFT JOIN pool_hash ph ON ph.id = pr.hash_id
				        GROUP BY pr.hash_id, pu.cert_index, pr.cert_index
				        HAVING (max(pu.registered_tx_id) < max(pr.announced_tx_id))
				        	OR ((max(pu.registered_tx_id) = max(pr.announced_tx_id)) AND (max(pu.cert_index) < max(pr.cert_index)))

Expected results format

     id   |      pool_name	      	  |  pool_ticker |      creation_date 
     4    |      ANGEL stake pool     |     ANGEL    |  2022-10-20 21:21:59.000
	 5    |      CanadaStakes	      |     CAN1     |  2022-10-20 21:30:58.000
	 6	  |     SION stake pool	      |     SION     |  2022-10-20 21:35:52.000
	 7	  |  PANL Stake Pool(Pre-Prod)|	    PANL	 |  2022-10-20 22:24:32.000
     .    |      ................     |     .....    |  .................
(Note: full results trimmed for readability)

🔎 Here's a breakdown of how the query works:

Select Specific Columns

In order to gather information about staking pools, the query focuses on:

  • Pool ID ph.id, the unique identifier for each staking pool
  • Pool Name pool_name, the human-readable name of the pool
  • Ticker pool_ticker, an abbreviation of the pool
  • creation_date, the date the pool was created

Tables Involved

The query traverses several tables (aliases are in brackets):

Joins and Subqueries

LEFT JOIN pool_offline_data po on ...

LEFT JOIN pool_update pu on ... joins pool_hash (opens in a new tab) with pool_update (opens in a new tab) to get the earliest registration transaction for each pool using a subquery to find the minimum pu.id for each pu.hash_id.

LEFT JOIN tx ON tx.id = pu.registered_tx_id joins the pool_update (opens in a new tab) with the tx table to get the transaction associated with the pool's registration.

LEFT JOIN block b ON tx.block_id = b.id joins the tx table with the block (opens in a new tab) table to get the block in which the registration transaction was included, allowing us to retrieve the creation date.

WHERE ph.id NOT IN (SELECT ...) is important for filtering out retired stake pools. The subquery identifies retired pools by comparing the registration and retirement transactions and their certificate indices within those transactions. It ensures that only active pools are included in the final result

SELECT Clause Details:

COALESCE(po.pool_name, ph."view") as pool_name uses COALESCE to prioritize the pool_name from pool_offline_data (opens in a new tab). If it's null, it falls back to the view from pool_hash (opens in a new tab). This ensures we have a name for each pool.

b."time" AS creation_date retrieves the time from the block (opens in a new tab) table (associated with the pool's registration transaction) and labels it as creation_date.

ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ph.id ASC) assigns a sequential row number to each result row, ordered by the pool hash ID in ascending order. This can be useful for pagination or displaying results in a numbered list.

The next query will provide users with detailed information about specific stake pools. This will help them make informed decisions when selecting a specific pool to delegate their ADA.