Query collection details

5. Query collection details

To keep things simple, we will use the same address as before:


🔎 You can also verify the details on one of many Cardano Community Explorers listed here (opens in a new tab). For this one, lets use Cardanoscan (opens in a new tab) 🎯

For this example, we are querying this specific token asset1nvcwnq60jnm27efjm87xnhqt6alsv024tdyxjm. We want to retrieve the following details: a) Script hash, b) Total supply, c)creation date, d) Number of holders, e) Number of transactions in the past week.

		ma.policy AS scriptHash,
		ma.supply AS totalSupply,
		ma.time AS createdDate,
		preprod.multi_asset ma
			SELECT ma.fingerprint AS fingerprint, COUNT(DISTINCT tx.id) AS numTx
			FROM tx
			LEFT JOIN tx_out txo ON tx.id = txo.tx_id 
			JOIN block b ON b.id = tx.block_id 
			JOIN ma_tx_out mto ON txo.id = mto.tx_out_id
			JOIN multi_asset ma ON mto.ident = ma.id
			   ma.fingerprint = 'asset1nvcwnq60jnm27efjm87xnhqt6alsv024tdyxjm'
			   AND b.time > (now() at time zone 'utc') - INTERVAL '7 days'
			GROUP BY ma.fingerprint
			) AS num_of_tx ON num_of_tx.fingerprint = ma.fingerprint
			SELECT ma.fingerprint AS fingerprint, COUNT(DISTINCT(sa.id)) AS numHolder
			FROM ma_tx_out mto
			LEFT JOIN tx_out to2 ON mto.tx_out_id = to2.id
			LEFT JOIN tx_in ti ON ti.tx_out_index = to2."index"
				AND ti.tx_out_id = to2.tx_id
			JOIN multi_asset ma ON ma.id = mto.ident
			LEFT JOIN stake_address sa ON sa.id = to2.stake_address_id
				ma.fingerprint = 'asset1nvcwnq60jnm27efjm87xnhqt6alsv024tdyxjm'
				AND ti.id IS NULL
				AND sa.id IS NOT NULL
			GROUP BY ma.fingerprint
			) AS num_of_holders ON num_of_holders.fingerprint = ma.fingerprint
		ma.fingerprint = 'asset1nvcwnq60jnm27efjm87xnhqt6alsv024tdyxjm'

Expected results format

     scripthash                                          |      totalsupply       |        createddate |datum_hash | numtx
698a6ea0ca99f315034072af31eaac6ec11fe8558d3f48e9775aab9d | 45,000,000,000,000,000 | 2022-12-12 18:28:01|  1,046    |  33           
(1 rows)

🔎 We can always cross check our results on any Cardano Explorer, such as cexplorer (opens in a new tab) 🎯

🧐 Let's breakdown the query line by line:

Data Sources

The query traverses multiple tables to find the requested details:

Main Query (SELECT...FROM)

  • The query starts by selecting the desired columns from the multi_asset (opens in a new tab) table.
  • It filters for the target asset using it's unique fingerprint asset1nvcwnq60jnm27efjm87xnhqt6alsv024tdyxjm

First Subquery (LEFT JOIN...num_of_tx)

  • This subquery calculates the number of transactions within the past 7 days for our specific asset.
  • It joins transaction data with block data to filter by time.
  • It groups the results by the asset's fingerprint and counts distinct transaction IDs.

Second Subquery (LEFT JOIN...num_of_holders)

  • This subquery calculates the number of distinct holders of the asset.
  • It queries transaction outputs tx_out and the links to multi-assets.
  • It filters out transaction outputs that are inputs to other transactions.
  • It counts distinct stake addresses associated with the remaining outputs, where each address represents a holder.

Joining Subqueries

  • The main query uses a LEFT JOIN to combine the results of the two subqueries back to the main multi_asset (opens in a new tab) table.
  • The LEFT JOIN ensures that the main query returns a row even if the subqueries don't find matching data (in that case, num_of_tx and num_of_holders would be NULL).


  • A fingerprint is a unique identifier used to distinguish different assets on the Cardano blockchain.
  • The LEFT JOIN type of join ensures you get results even if there's no matching data in the joined tables.
  • Subqueries are used to calculate more complex values like transaction counts and holder counts that can't be directly derived from a single table.