List current dReps

10. List the current dReps

Another important feature Cardano Blockchain implements is governance, where the goal is put decision-making on chain, and in the hands of the community. To read more about the CIP-1694 (opens in a new tab) roadmap here (opens in a new tab), visit or catch up on the latest news on Cardano Forum (opens in a new tab).

This query provides a list of dReps currently registered on the system and additional information including:

  • dRep ID
  • tx_id of the registration
  • cert index
  • type
  • deposit
  • hash of the pool which we it is delegating to
  • credential type
  • anchor URL
  • anchor hash
  • dRep status (active / inactive)
  • registration date
  • epoch
  • block
  • slot
  • number of delegators

This information helps you understand who is voting on proposals and shaping the future of the Cardano ecosystem. Note that we are using the Sanchonet (opens in a new tab) network for this query, which queries the same database schema as mainnet.

    dr.drep_id AS drepId,
    dr.drep_hash AS drepHash,
    dr.tx_hash AS tx_id,
    dr.cert_index AS cert_index,
    dr."type" AS "type",
    dr.deposit AS deposit,
    dr.cred_type AS credential_type,
    dr.anchor_url AS anchor_url,
    dr.anchor_hash AS anchor_hash,
	    WHEN COALESCE(vp.epoch, 0)
	    	+ (SELECT COALESCE(ep.drep_activity, 0) FROM epoch_param ep ORDER BY ep.epoch_no DESC LIMIT 1) 
	    	< (SELECT COALESCE(ep.epoch_no, 0) FROM epoch_param ep ORDER BY ep.epoch_no DESC LIMIT 1)
	    WHEN dr."type" = 'UNREG_DREP_CERT'
	END AS dRep_status,
    to_timestamp(sub2.block_time) at TIME zone 'UTC' as registration_date,
    dr.epoch AS epoch,
	dr.block AS block,
	dr.slot AS slot,
    coalesce (sub3.delegators_count, 0) as number_of_delegators
FROM drep_registration dr
	        max(slot) AS max_slot,
	  FROM drep_registration dr
	  GROUP BY dr.drep_hash    
	 ) AS sub1 
ON  dr.drep_hash = sub1.drep_hash
    and dr.slot = sub1.max_slot
	        max(block_time) as block_time ,
	    FROM drep_registration dr
	    WHERE dr."type" = 'REG_DREP_CERT'
	    GROUP BY dr.drep_hash
		) AS sub2
ON dr.drep_hash = sub2.drep_hash
		        count(DISTINCT(d.address)) as delegators_count,
		    FROM delegation_vote d
		    WHERE d.drep_hash is not null
		    GROUP BY drep_hash
			) AS sub3
ON dr.drep_hash = sub3.drep_hash
LEFT JOIN (	SELECT voter_hash, max(epoch) AS epoch, max(slot) 
			FROM voting_procedure 
			GROUP BY voter_hash
			) vp ON vp.voter_hash = dr.drep_hash

Expected results format

drepid   | drephash| tx_id    | cert_index | type        | deposit | credential_type | anchor_url      | anchor_hash | drep_status | registration_date | epoch | block | slot   | number_of_delegators
drep1..n | 0ae..d50| 3fd..7a20| 6          |REG_DREP_CERT|500000000| ADDR_KEYHASH    | https://bit..2HL|  1..111     |    INACTIVE |  2024-08-01 16:56 | 413   |1784176|35742397| 0
(Note: full results trimmed for readability)

Let's take a closer look at what the query does. 🔎

Main SELECT Clause

SELECTs various columns from the drep_registration (opens in a new tab) table (alias dr) such as drep_id, drep_hash, tx_id, cert_index, type, deposit, cred_type, anchor_url, anchor_hash, epoch, block, and slot.

CASE Statement for dRep_status

Calculates the dRep_status based on the following logic:

registration_date Calculation

Converts the block_time (from the drep_registration (opens in a new tab) table) to a timestamp with UTC timezone. The subquery sub2 fetches the maximum block_time for each drep_hash where the type is 'REG_DREP_CERT' (registration certificate).

number_of_delegators Calculation

Uses a LEFT JOIN with a subquery sub3 to count the number of distinct delegators address associated with each drep_hash in the delegation_vote (opens in a new tab) table. COALESCE ensures that if there are no delegators, the count is shown as 0.

Joins and Subqueries

JOIN with sub1 ensures only the latest registration entry for each drep_hash is considered (based on the maximum slot). LEFT JOIN with sub3 and vp brings in the delegators count and latest voting epoch information for each dRep.