Start wallet server


The easiest and most common way of managing your funds on the Cardano blockchain is through a wallet. This guide is to show how to start cardano-wallet together with cardano-node .

Full node mode

Here we are going to start cardano-wallet in full node mode, meaning that we need to have also cardano-node running on the same machine. We can get binaries of cardano-wallet and compatible version of cardano-node from cardano wallet release page. Cardano-wallet archives published for each release, besides cardano-wallet itself, include all the relevant tools like cardano-node , cardano-cli , cardano-addresses or bech32 .


Alternatively one can use handy docker-compose to start wallet and the node on different networks:

> NETWORK=mainnet docker-compose up

> NETWORK=preprod docker-compose up

> NETWORK=preview docker-compose up


Start cardano-wallet in full node mode


Configuration files for all Cardano networks can be found in Cardano Book.

  1. Start node:
> cardano-node run \
  --config config.json \
  --topology topology.json \
  --database-path ./db \
  --socket-path /path/to/node.socket
  1. Start wallet:

When starting a wallet instance that targets a testing environment such as preview or preprod , we need to provide a byron-genesis.json file to the wallet:

> cardano-wallet serve --port 8090 \
  --node-socket /path/to/node.socket \
  --testnet byron-genesis.json \
  --database ./wallet-db \

In case of mainnet we simply replace --testnet byron-genesis.json with option --mainnet .

> cardano-wallet serve --port 8090 \
  --node-socket /path/to/node.socket \
  --mainnet \
  --database ./wallet-db \


We use different URLs for mainnet and test networks with the --token-metadata-server option. These URLs point to Cardano Token Registry servers. See assets for more information.

That's it! We can basically start managing our wallets from this point onwards. See how-to-create-a-wallet and how-to-manage-wallets

However, in order to be able to make transactions, we still need to wait until cardano-node is synced fully with the Cardano blockchain. In case of mainnet it may take several hours, in case of testnet a bit less.

We can monitor this process using cardano-wallet's GET /network/information endpoint. Once the endpoint returns sync_progress status ready we'll know we are good to go:

> curl -X GET http://localhost:8090/v2/network/information | jq .sync_progress
  "status": "ready"