package org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.model.response.pool.report; |
import java.math.BigDecimal; |
import java.math.BigInteger; |
import java.util.Date; |
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; |
import lombok.Builder; |
import lombok.Data; |
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; |
import org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.model.response.BaseFilterResponse; |
import org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.model.response.pool.lifecycle.DeRegistrationResponse; |
import org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.model.response.pool.lifecycle.PoolUpdateDetailResponse; |
import org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.model.response.pool.lifecycle.RewardResponse; |
import org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.model.response.pool.lifecycle.TabularRegisResponse; |
import org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.model.response.pool.projection.PoolHistoryKoiosProjection; |
1. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE
2. equals : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE
3. equals : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE
4. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
5. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
6. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
7. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
8. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
9. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
10. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
11. canEqual : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE
12. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE
13. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
14. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE
15. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
16. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
17. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
18. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
19. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
20. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
21. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
22. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE
23. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
24. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
25. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
26. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
27. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
28. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
29. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
30. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
31. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
32. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
33. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
34. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
35. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
36. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE
37. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE
38. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE
39. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
40. hashCode : replaced int return with 0 for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::hashCode → NO_COVERAGE
41. toString : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::toString → NO_COVERAGE
42. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
43. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
44. canEqual : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE
45. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
46. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
@Data |
@AllArgsConstructor |
@NoArgsConstructor |
1. poolUpdates : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolReportDetailResponseBuilder::poolUpdates → NO_COVERAGE
2. build : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolReportDetailResponseBuilder::build → NO_COVERAGE
3. poolRegistrations : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolReportDetailResponseBuilder::poolRegistrations → NO_COVERAGE
4. epochSizes : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolReportDetailResponseBuilder::epochSizes → NO_COVERAGE
5. toString : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolReportDetailResponseBuilder::toString → NO_COVERAGE
6. rewardDistributions : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolReportDetailResponseBuilder::rewardDistributions → NO_COVERAGE
7. deregistrations : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolReportDetailResponseBuilder::deregistrations → NO_COVERAGE
8. builder : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::builder → NO_COVERAGE
@Builder |
public class PoolReportDetailResponse { |
1. getEpochSizes : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::getEpochSizes → NO_COVERAGE
private BaseFilterResponse<EpochSize> epochSizes; |
1. getPoolRegistrations : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::getPoolRegistrations → NO_COVERAGE
private BaseFilterResponse<TabularRegisResponse> poolRegistrations; |
1. getPoolUpdates : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::getPoolUpdates → NO_COVERAGE
private BaseFilterResponse<PoolUpdateDetailResponse> poolUpdates; |
1. getRewardDistributions : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::getRewardDistributions → NO_COVERAGE
private BaseFilterResponse<RewardResponse> rewardDistributions; |
1. getDeregistrations : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::getDeregistrations → NO_COVERAGE
private BaseFilterResponse<DeRegistrationResponse> deregistrations; |
1. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
2. equals : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::equals → NO_COVERAGE
3. toString : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::toString → NO_COVERAGE
4. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
5. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::equals → NO_COVERAGE
6. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
7. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
8. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
9. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
10. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
11. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
12. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
13. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
14. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::equals → NO_COVERAGE
15. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::equals → NO_COVERAGE
16. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
17. canEqual : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE
18. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
19. hashCode : replaced int return with 0 for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::hashCode → NO_COVERAGE
20. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
21. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
22. canEqual : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE
23. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
24. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
25. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
26. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
27. equals : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::equals → NO_COVERAGE
28. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
29. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
30. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
31. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::equals → NO_COVERAGE
32. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::equals → NO_COVERAGE
@Data |
@AllArgsConstructor |
@NoArgsConstructor |
1. toString : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize$EpochSizeBuilder::toString → NO_COVERAGE
2. size : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize$EpochSizeBuilder::size → KILLED
3. builder : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::builder → KILLED
4. build : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize$EpochSizeBuilder::build → KILLED
5. epoch : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize$EpochSizeBuilder::epoch → KILLED
6. fee : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize$EpochSizeBuilder::fee → KILLED
@Builder |
public static class EpochSize { |
1. getEpoch : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::getEpoch → KILLED
private String epoch; |
1. getFee : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::getFee → SURVIVED
private BigInteger fee; |
1. getSize : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::getSize → KILLED
private BigDecimal size; |
public static EpochSize toDomain(PoolHistoryKoiosProjection projection) { |
1. toDomain : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::toDomain → KILLED
return EpochSize.builder() |
.epoch(projection.getEpochNo().toString()) |
.size(new BigDecimal(projection.getActiveStake())) |
.fee(projection.getPoolFees()) |
.build(); |
} |
} |
1. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
2. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
3. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
4. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
5. equals : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
6. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
7. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
8. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
9. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
10. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
11. hashCode : replaced int return with 0 for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::hashCode → NO_COVERAGE
12. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
13. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
14. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
15. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
16. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
17. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
18. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
19. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
20. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
21. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
22. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
23. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
24. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
25. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
26. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
27. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
28. equals : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
29. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
30. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
31. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
32. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
33. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
34. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
35. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
36. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
37. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
38. canEqual : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE
39. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
40. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
41. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
42. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
43. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
44. toString : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::toString → NO_COVERAGE
45. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
46. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
47. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
48. canEqual : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE
49. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
50. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
51. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
52. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
53. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
@Data |
@AllArgsConstructor |
@NoArgsConstructor |
1. adaValue : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::adaValue → NO_COVERAGE
2. adaValueFee : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::adaValueFee → NO_COVERAGE
3. build : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::build → NO_COVERAGE
4. txHash : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::txHash → NO_COVERAGE
5. toString : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::toString → NO_COVERAGE
6. owner : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::owner → NO_COVERAGE
7. builder : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::builder → NO_COVERAGE
8. time : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::time → NO_COVERAGE
9. adaValueHold : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::adaValueHold → NO_COVERAGE
@Builder |
public static class PoolRegistration { |
1. getTxHash : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::getTxHash → NO_COVERAGE
private String txHash; |
1. getTime : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::getTime → NO_COVERAGE
private Date time; |
1. getAdaValueHold : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::getAdaValueHold → NO_COVERAGE
private BigDecimal adaValueHold; |
1. getAdaValueFee : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::getAdaValueFee → NO_COVERAGE
private BigDecimal adaValueFee; |
1. getAdaValue : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::getAdaValue → NO_COVERAGE
private BigDecimal adaValue; |
1. getOwner : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::getOwner → NO_COVERAGE
private String owner; |
} |
1. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE
2. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
3. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE
4. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
5. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
6. canEqual : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE
7. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
8. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
9. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
10. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
11. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
12. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
13. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
14. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE
15. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
16. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
17. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
18. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
19. hashCode : replaced int return with 0 for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::hashCode → NO_COVERAGE
20. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
21. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE
22. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
23. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE
24. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
25. equals : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE
26. equals : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE
27. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
28. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
29. toString : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::toString → NO_COVERAGE
30. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
31. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE
32. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
33. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
34. canEqual : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE
35. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
36. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
37. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
38. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
39. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
40. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
41. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
42. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE
43. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
44. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
45. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
46. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
@Data |
@AllArgsConstructor |
@NoArgsConstructor |
1. adaValueHold : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate$PoolUpdateBuilder::adaValueHold → NO_COVERAGE
2. toString : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate$PoolUpdateBuilder::toString → NO_COVERAGE
3. adaValue : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate$PoolUpdateBuilder::adaValue → NO_COVERAGE
4. builder : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::builder → NO_COVERAGE
5. txHash : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate$PoolUpdateBuilder::txHash → NO_COVERAGE
6. build : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate$PoolUpdateBuilder::build → NO_COVERAGE
7. adaValueFee : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate$PoolUpdateBuilder::adaValueFee → NO_COVERAGE
8. time : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate$PoolUpdateBuilder::time → NO_COVERAGE
@Builder |
public static class PoolUpdate { |
1. getTxHash : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::getTxHash → NO_COVERAGE
private String txHash; |
1. getTime : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::getTime → NO_COVERAGE
private Date time; |
1. getAdaValueHold : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::getAdaValueHold → NO_COVERAGE
private BigDecimal adaValueHold; |
1. getAdaValueFee : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::getAdaValueFee → NO_COVERAGE
private BigDecimal adaValueFee; |
1. getAdaValue : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::getAdaValue → NO_COVERAGE
private BigDecimal adaValue; |
} |
1. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
2. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
3. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE
4. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
5. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
6. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
7. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
8. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
9. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
10. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
11. equals : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE
12. toString : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::toString → NO_COVERAGE
13. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE
14. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
15. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE
16. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
17. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
18. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
19. canEqual : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE
20. canEqual : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE
21. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE
22. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
23. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
24. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
25. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
26. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
27. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
28. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
29. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
30. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
31. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
32. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE
33. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
34. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
35. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE
36. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
37. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
38. hashCode : replaced int return with 0 for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::hashCode → NO_COVERAGE
39. equals : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE
@Data |
@AllArgsConstructor |
@NoArgsConstructor |
1. epoch : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution$RewardDistributionBuilder::epoch → NO_COVERAGE
2. time : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution$RewardDistributionBuilder::time → NO_COVERAGE
3. operatorReward : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution$RewardDistributionBuilder::operatorReward → NO_COVERAGE
4. toString : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution$RewardDistributionBuilder::toString → NO_COVERAGE
5. build : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution$RewardDistributionBuilder::build → NO_COVERAGE
6. rewardAccount : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution$RewardDistributionBuilder::rewardAccount → NO_COVERAGE
7. builder : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::builder → NO_COVERAGE
@Builder |
public static class RewardDistribution { |
1. getEpoch : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::getEpoch → NO_COVERAGE
private String epoch; |
1. getTime : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::getTime → NO_COVERAGE
private Date time; |
1. getOperatorReward : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::getOperatorReward → NO_COVERAGE
private BigDecimal operatorReward; |
1. getRewardAccount : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::getRewardAccount → NO_COVERAGE
private String rewardAccount; |
} |
1. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
2. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
3. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
4. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
5. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
6. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
7. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
8. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
9. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
10. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
11. equals : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
12. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
13. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
14. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
15. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
16. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
17. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
18. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
19. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
20. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
21. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
22. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
23. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
24. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
25. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
26. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
27. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
28. canEqual : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE
29. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
30. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
31. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
32. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
33. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
34. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
35. equals : replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
36. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
37. toString : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::toString → NO_COVERAGE
38. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
39. canEqual : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE
40. hashCode : replaced int return with 0 for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::hashCode → NO_COVERAGE
41. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
42. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
43. hashCode : Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE
44. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
45. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
46. equals : replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
47. hashCode : Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE
48. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
49. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
50. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
51. hashCode : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
52. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
53. equals : negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
@Data |
@AllArgsConstructor |
@NoArgsConstructor |
1. build : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::build → NO_COVERAGE
2. owner : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::owner → NO_COVERAGE
3. adaValueHold : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::adaValueHold → NO_COVERAGE
4. time : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::time → NO_COVERAGE
5. txHash : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::txHash → NO_COVERAGE
6. builder : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::builder → NO_COVERAGE
7. adaValue : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::adaValue → NO_COVERAGE
8. adaValueFee : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::adaValueFee → NO_COVERAGE
9. toString : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::toString → NO_COVERAGE
@Builder |
public static class Deregistration { |
1. getTxHash : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::getTxHash → NO_COVERAGE
private String txHash; |
1. getTime : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::getTime → NO_COVERAGE
private Date time; |
1. getAdaValueHold : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::getAdaValueHold → NO_COVERAGE
private BigDecimal adaValueHold; |
1. getAdaValueFee : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::getAdaValueFee → NO_COVERAGE
private BigDecimal adaValueFee; |
1. getAdaValue : replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::getAdaValue → NO_COVERAGE
private BigDecimal adaValue; |
1. getOwner : replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::getOwner → NO_COVERAGE
private String owner; |
} |
} |
| | Mutations |
19 |
1.1 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE 2.2 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE 3.3 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE 4.4 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 5.5 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 6.6 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 7.7 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 8.8 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 9.9 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 10.10 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 11.11 Location : canEqual Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE 12.12 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE 13.13 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 14.14 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE 15.15 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 16.16 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 17.17 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 18.18 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 19.19 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 20.20 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 21.21 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 22.22 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE 23.23 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 24.24 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 25.25 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 26.26 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 27.27 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 28.28 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 29.29 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 30.30 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 31.31 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 32.32 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 33.33 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 34.34 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 35.35 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 36.36 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE 37.37 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE 38.38 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::equals → NO_COVERAGE 39.39 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 40.40 Location : hashCode Killed by : none replaced int return with 0 for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::hashCode → NO_COVERAGE 41.41 Location : toString Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::toString → NO_COVERAGE 42.42 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 43.43 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 44.44 Location : canEqual Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE 45.45 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 46.46 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
22 |
1.1 Location : poolUpdates Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolReportDetailResponseBuilder::poolUpdates → NO_COVERAGE 2.2 Location : build Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolReportDetailResponseBuilder::build → NO_COVERAGE 3.3 Location : poolRegistrations Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolReportDetailResponseBuilder::poolRegistrations → NO_COVERAGE 4.4 Location : epochSizes Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolReportDetailResponseBuilder::epochSizes → NO_COVERAGE 5.5 Location : toString Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolReportDetailResponseBuilder::toString → NO_COVERAGE 6.6 Location : rewardDistributions Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolReportDetailResponseBuilder::rewardDistributions → NO_COVERAGE 7.7 Location : deregistrations Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolReportDetailResponseBuilder::deregistrations → NO_COVERAGE 8.8 Location : builder Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::builder → NO_COVERAGE
25 |
1.1 Location : getEpochSizes Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::getEpochSizes → NO_COVERAGE
27 |
1.1 Location : getPoolRegistrations Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::getPoolRegistrations → NO_COVERAGE
29 |
1.1 Location : getPoolUpdates Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::getPoolUpdates → NO_COVERAGE
31 |
1.1 Location : getRewardDistributions Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::getRewardDistributions → NO_COVERAGE
33 |
1.1 Location : getDeregistrations Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse::getDeregistrations → NO_COVERAGE
35 |
1.1 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 2.2 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::equals → NO_COVERAGE 3.3 Location : toString Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::toString → NO_COVERAGE 4.4 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 5.5 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::equals → NO_COVERAGE 6.6 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 7.7 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 8.8 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 9.9 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 10.10 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 11.11 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 12.12 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 13.13 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 14.14 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::equals → NO_COVERAGE 15.15 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::equals → NO_COVERAGE 16.16 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 17.17 Location : canEqual Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE 18.18 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 19.19 Location : hashCode Killed by : none replaced int return with 0 for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::hashCode → NO_COVERAGE 20.20 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 21.21 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 22.22 Location : canEqual Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE 23.23 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 24.24 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 25.25 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 26.26 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 27.27 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::equals → NO_COVERAGE 28.28 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 29.29 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 30.30 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 31.31 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::equals → NO_COVERAGE 32.32 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::equals → NO_COVERAGE
38 |
1.1 Location : size Killed by : org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.controller.PoolReportControllerTest.[engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.controller.PoolReportControllerTest]/[method:testDetailEpochSizePoolReport()] replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize$EpochSizeBuilder::size → KILLED 2.2 Location : toString Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize$EpochSizeBuilder::toString → NO_COVERAGE 3.3 Location : builder Killed by : org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.controller.PoolReportControllerTest.[engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.controller.PoolReportControllerTest]/[method:testDetailEpochSizePoolReport()] replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::builder → KILLED 4.4 Location : build Killed by : org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.controller.PoolReportControllerTest.[engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.controller.PoolReportControllerTest]/[method:testDetailEpochSizePoolReport()] replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize$EpochSizeBuilder::build → KILLED 5.5 Location : epoch Killed by : org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.controller.PoolReportControllerTest.[engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.controller.PoolReportControllerTest]/[method:testDetailEpochSizePoolReport()] replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize$EpochSizeBuilder::epoch → KILLED 6.6 Location : fee Killed by : org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.controller.PoolReportControllerTest.[engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.controller.PoolReportControllerTest]/[method:testDetailEpochSizePoolReport()] replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize$EpochSizeBuilder::fee → KILLED
41 |
1.1 Location : getEpoch Killed by : org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.service.PoolReportServiceTest.[engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.service.PoolReportServiceTest]/[method:testFetchEpochSize_useKoios_thenReturnResponse()] replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::getEpoch → KILLED
43 |
1.1 Location : getFee Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::getFee → SURVIVED
45 |
1.1 Location : getSize Killed by : org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.service.PoolReportServiceTest.[engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.service.PoolReportServiceTest]/[method:testFetchEpochSize_useKoios_thenReturnResponse()] replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::getSize → KILLED
48 |
1.1 Location : toDomain Killed by : org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.service.PoolReportServiceTest.[engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:org.cardanofoundation.explorer.api.service.PoolReportServiceTest]/[method:testFetchEpochSize_useKoios_thenReturnResponse()] replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$EpochSize::toDomain → KILLED
56 |
1.1 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 2.2 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 3.3 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 4.4 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 5.5 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 6.6 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 7.7 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 8.8 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 9.9 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 10.10 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 11.11 Location : hashCode Killed by : none replaced int return with 0 for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::hashCode → NO_COVERAGE 12.12 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 13.13 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 14.14 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 15.15 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 16.16 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 17.17 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 18.18 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 19.19 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 20.20 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 21.21 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 22.22 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 23.23 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 24.24 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 25.25 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 26.26 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 27.27 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 28.28 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 29.29 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 30.30 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 31.31 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 32.32 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 33.33 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 34.34 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 35.35 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 36.36 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 37.37 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 38.38 Location : canEqual Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE 39.39 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 40.40 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 41.41 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 42.42 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 43.43 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 44.44 Location : toString Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::toString → NO_COVERAGE 45.45 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 46.46 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 47.47 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 48.48 Location : canEqual Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE 49.49 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 50.50 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 51.51 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 52.52 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 53.53 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE
59 |
1.1 Location : adaValue Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::adaValue → NO_COVERAGE 2.2 Location : adaValueFee Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::adaValueFee → NO_COVERAGE 3.3 Location : build Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::build → NO_COVERAGE 4.4 Location : txHash Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::txHash → NO_COVERAGE 5.5 Location : toString Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::toString → NO_COVERAGE 6.6 Location : owner Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::owner → NO_COVERAGE 7.7 Location : builder Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::builder → NO_COVERAGE 8.8 Location : time Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::time → NO_COVERAGE 9.9 Location : adaValueHold Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration$PoolRegistrationBuilder::adaValueHold → NO_COVERAGE
62 |
1.1 Location : getTxHash Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::getTxHash → NO_COVERAGE
64 |
1.1 Location : getTime Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::getTime → NO_COVERAGE
66 |
1.1 Location : getAdaValueHold Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::getAdaValueHold → NO_COVERAGE
68 |
1.1 Location : getAdaValueFee Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::getAdaValueFee → NO_COVERAGE
70 |
1.1 Location : getAdaValue Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::getAdaValue → NO_COVERAGE
72 |
1.1 Location : getOwner Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolRegistration::getOwner → NO_COVERAGE
75 |
1.1 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE 2.2 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 3.3 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE 4.4 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 5.5 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 6.6 Location : canEqual Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE 7.7 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 8.8 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 9.9 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 10.10 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 11.11 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 12.12 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 13.13 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 14.14 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE 15.15 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 16.16 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 17.17 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 18.18 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 19.19 Location : hashCode Killed by : none replaced int return with 0 for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::hashCode → NO_COVERAGE 20.20 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 21.21 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE 22.22 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 23.23 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE 24.24 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 25.25 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE 26.26 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE 27.27 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 28.28 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 29.29 Location : toString Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::toString → NO_COVERAGE 30.30 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 31.31 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE 32.32 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 33.33 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 34.34 Location : canEqual Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE 35.35 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 36.36 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 37.37 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 38.38 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 39.39 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 40.40 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 41.41 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 42.42 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::equals → NO_COVERAGE 43.43 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 44.44 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 45.45 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 46.46 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
78 |
1.1 Location : adaValueHold Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate$PoolUpdateBuilder::adaValueHold → NO_COVERAGE 2.2 Location : toString Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate$PoolUpdateBuilder::toString → NO_COVERAGE 3.3 Location : adaValue Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate$PoolUpdateBuilder::adaValue → NO_COVERAGE 4.4 Location : builder Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::builder → NO_COVERAGE 5.5 Location : txHash Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate$PoolUpdateBuilder::txHash → NO_COVERAGE 6.6 Location : build Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate$PoolUpdateBuilder::build → NO_COVERAGE 7.7 Location : adaValueFee Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate$PoolUpdateBuilder::adaValueFee → NO_COVERAGE 8.8 Location : time Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate$PoolUpdateBuilder::time → NO_COVERAGE
81 |
1.1 Location : getTxHash Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::getTxHash → NO_COVERAGE
83 |
1.1 Location : getTime Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::getTime → NO_COVERAGE
85 |
1.1 Location : getAdaValueHold Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::getAdaValueHold → NO_COVERAGE
87 |
1.1 Location : getAdaValueFee Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::getAdaValueFee → NO_COVERAGE
89 |
1.1 Location : getAdaValue Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$PoolUpdate::getAdaValue → NO_COVERAGE
92 |
1.1 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 2.2 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 3.3 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE 4.4 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 5.5 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 6.6 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 7.7 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 8.8 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 9.9 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 10.10 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 11.11 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE 12.12 Location : toString Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::toString → NO_COVERAGE 13.13 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE 14.14 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 15.15 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE 16.16 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 17.17 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 18.18 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 19.19 Location : canEqual Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE 20.20 Location : canEqual Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE 21.21 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE 22.22 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 23.23 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 24.24 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 25.25 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 26.26 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 27.27 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 28.28 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 29.29 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 30.30 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 31.31 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 32.32 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE 33.33 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 34.34 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 35.35 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE 36.36 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 37.37 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 38.38 Location : hashCode Killed by : none replaced int return with 0 for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::hashCode → NO_COVERAGE 39.39 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::equals → NO_COVERAGE
95 |
1.1 Location : epoch Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution$RewardDistributionBuilder::epoch → NO_COVERAGE 2.2 Location : time Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution$RewardDistributionBuilder::time → NO_COVERAGE 3.3 Location : operatorReward Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution$RewardDistributionBuilder::operatorReward → NO_COVERAGE 4.4 Location : toString Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution$RewardDistributionBuilder::toString → NO_COVERAGE 5.5 Location : build Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution$RewardDistributionBuilder::build → NO_COVERAGE 6.6 Location : rewardAccount Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution$RewardDistributionBuilder::rewardAccount → NO_COVERAGE 7.7 Location : builder Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::builder → NO_COVERAGE
98 |
1.1 Location : getEpoch Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::getEpoch → NO_COVERAGE
100 |
1.1 Location : getTime Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::getTime → NO_COVERAGE
102 |
1.1 Location : getOperatorReward Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::getOperatorReward → NO_COVERAGE
104 |
1.1 Location : getRewardAccount Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$RewardDistribution::getRewardAccount → NO_COVERAGE
107 |
1.1 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 2.2 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 3.3 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 4.4 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 5.5 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 6.6 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 7.7 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 8.8 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 9.9 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 10.10 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 11.11 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 12.12 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 13.13 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 14.14 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 15.15 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 16.16 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 17.17 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 18.18 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 19.19 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 20.20 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 21.21 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 22.22 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 23.23 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 24.24 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 25.25 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 26.26 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 27.27 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 28.28 Location : canEqual Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE 29.29 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 30.30 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 31.31 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 32.32 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 33.33 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 34.34 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 35.35 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with false for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 36.36 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 37.37 Location : toString Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::toString → NO_COVERAGE 38.38 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 39.39 Location : canEqual Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::canEqual → NO_COVERAGE 40.40 Location : hashCode Killed by : none replaced int return with 0 for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::hashCode → NO_COVERAGE 41.41 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 42.42 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 43.43 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer addition with subtraction → NO_COVERAGE 44.44 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 45.45 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 46.46 Location : equals Killed by : none replaced boolean return with true for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::equals → NO_COVERAGE 47.47 Location : hashCode Killed by : none Replaced integer multiplication with division → NO_COVERAGE 48.48 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 49.49 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 50.50 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 51.51 Location : hashCode Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 52.52 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE 53.53 Location : equals Killed by : none negated conditional → NO_COVERAGE
110 |
1.1 Location : build Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::build → NO_COVERAGE 2.2 Location : owner Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::owner → NO_COVERAGE 3.3 Location : adaValueHold Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::adaValueHold → NO_COVERAGE 4.4 Location : time Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::time → NO_COVERAGE 5.5 Location : txHash Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::txHash → NO_COVERAGE 6.6 Location : builder Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::builder → NO_COVERAGE 7.7 Location : adaValue Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::adaValue → NO_COVERAGE 8.8 Location : adaValueFee Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::adaValueFee → NO_COVERAGE 9.9 Location : toString Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration$DeregistrationBuilder::toString → NO_COVERAGE
113 |
1.1 Location : getTxHash Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::getTxHash → NO_COVERAGE
115 |
1.1 Location : getTime Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::getTime → NO_COVERAGE
117 |
1.1 Location : getAdaValueHold Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::getAdaValueHold → NO_COVERAGE
119 |
1.1 Location : getAdaValueFee Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::getAdaValueFee → NO_COVERAGE
121 |
1.1 Location : getAdaValue Killed by : none replaced return value with null for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::getAdaValue → NO_COVERAGE
123 |
1.1 Location : getOwner Killed by : none replaced return value with "" for org/cardanofoundation/explorer/api/model/response/pool/report/PoolReportDetailResponse$Deregistration::getOwner → NO_COVERAGE