**Workflow Review **



As we have now moved to the Cardano Foundation, it’s an appropriate time to review how we operate as a team and see what improvements we can implement.


  1. Due to the distributed nature of the team, where possible and practical we will continue to favor asynchronous working.
  2. We will adopt a Kanban-esque approach to managing our workflow, therefore:
    1. Work items will be continuously prioritized in line with agreed goals and roadmap.
    2. Weekly planning & replenishment meetings will be held.
    3. We will no longer plan work into sprints or iterations.
    4. Updated meetings and ceremonies:
Meeting / ActivityFrequencyHow
Daily UpdatesDaily / as applicableProvided in slack #hal-daily
Planning & ReplenishmentWeeklyFriday meeting (½ hr)
Development MeetingWeeklyWednesday (1hr)
Backlog Refinement & GroomingContinuouslyAsynchronously, supported by breakout sessions and ad hoc team meetings.
DemosAd hocScheduled upon feature completion. Will demo as part of a feature showcase.
RetroQuarterly / ad hocDeep Dive meeting (3 hrs)
  1. To determine how best to implement an internal team “No Meeting Day”, this will be progressed via its own advice process.
  2. Public team channel (#hal-public) created to facilitate communications and collaboration within the Cardano Foundation and IOG.
  3. Current ticketing system JIRA will continue to be used, subject to future Advice Process.
  4. Cardano Wallet public forum on Github to be utilized for engaging with the community and for also announcing new releases.